Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What to leave behind in 09

I just got back from a few days over Christmas with my family in Colorado Springs. I was blessed to have a few days to relax after a very stressful trip out there.

We had our original flight canceled and placed on Standby. Standby on Christmas eve with just a few other people all wanting there names to be called. We waited through 4 flights and after 6 hours and gate jumping we all made it to Denver. We made it our bags did not. Had to make the trip back to Denver airport on Christmas Day. That trip is about an hour and half from my parents home in Colorado Springs.

I attended their church on the 28th and got to see their new building. I can honestly say that it was a great Sunday. I was blessed by their worship team and the ministers message. He spoke on "Forward Moving Faith". I got a little jazzed because our theme for 2009 is Advance - which means to move forward.

We were challenged to be believers that will leave behind immaturity, hypocrisy, and the past. I like that. Leave behind the past. I can't change it, only learn from it. Time to move on, move forward. I pledge in 09 to leave the past behind.

Have a great New Years eve and day. Let's all watch some football and eat well. My resolutions always start a few days after Jan 1.

Its a New Year, lets make it the best ever.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas magic

How many of us are trying to find that Christmas magic every year? Maybe it is getting harder, it sure is for me. I am constantly trying to slow down, but look up and see that its Dec 23rd. I got my lists done, shopping done, etc. So at this point I have had some, but I am still looking for more.

Here are my top 5 so far. 1. Yankee Candle store - Williamsburg. Very nice to visit their Dept 56 store and a very winter village setting. 2. Snowing outside of Kohl's - Christa and I went in with an overcast sky, and came out with snow.. very nice 3. Watching Christmas movies by candlelight. - a couple of times this year 4. Hitting the mall and watching people visit Santa - had a flashback to all three of mine getting their picture with Mr Claus. Still get to do that with Chloe. 5. Candle light service singing Silent Night. It always gets me to see all the candles lit.

Now tomorrow I am the family are headed to Colorado Springs to visit my parents. My two brothers and their families will be joining. Quotes from Christmas vacation will be flying and I am looking for that sweater that Randy wore with the dickie underneath. I still die laughing when you see him.

The mountains are always nice at Christmas time and I hope to get the special feeling in my being once again. Merry Christmas to all - Happy Holidays, travel safe, and see you in the New year.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

the night before Thanksgiving

It's the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house the smell of prepping food makes me hungry as a mouse. All my children are busy with their new things from grandma, as I and my wife are looking at grandpa. Everyone is in their snuggly pajamas, when from the kitchen came quite a clatter. Yes there in the light of the refrigerator stood my youngest Chloe hiding like a prestidigitator.

Okay enough of that. Its great to have the holidays upon us. We have Christa's parents here and its time for some seriously good food. This is the season that we live for. There is some concern if our Turkey will thaw before tomorrow, but I am confident all will be well. I am very happy to have a day in which we eat and watch football.

speaking of football; how bout those Sooners. A win against the hated Cowboys from Stillwater, and its a jump over the Longhorns into the title game. A quick prediction, it will happen and the UT fans will be crying. Love you guys my friends, especially when your crying.

Everyone have a great Thanksgiving. Remember to truly be thankful for more than food and football.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Five things

Here are five things to share with you.

1. I am fighting the changes in my life; despite speaking to our church a series called transitions. I see that with age it is very easy to get comfortable. Comfort can be contagious. I keep telling myself "No pain No gain", or "no pain no change", or "Know Change, Know Pain" Transitions are inevitable - how will we handle it? The good news as that my mental battles are becoming victories and I am choosing to move forward.

2. I am appreciating my family at a very high level. Why? Because I should true. But because of the amount of counseling and coaching, and praying for others that I do. There are some tough situations out there. The world is tough. Family life, marriage can be work. I am very blessed with my three children and gorgeous wife. Sometimes I gritch about the little things I want them to improve on. I forget to say how happy, proud and in love with them I am. There have been a few moments lately that bring me to reality that life can be good - but it does take work.

3. I can't wait to see the new bond movie. It came out to bad reviews. Not enought plot and plenty of actoin. Perfect for me. I am a bond fanatic, have always enjoyed the movies and I thought the last one Casino Royale was awesome and the new bond was awesome. So I believe this next movie will be... Awesome. Going on Friday.

4. My beloved OU sooners are playing Texas Tech this Saturday evening. My family is going to be there and I will be there to, in spirit. OU is favored by 7 points... because they are playing at home. Should they win it is the first real step toward a national championship. If I am happy on Sunday - they won. If I am unhappy, they lost. Just smile and remind me that Jesus is Lord not football.

5. I have resumed working out with regularity. Why? Because the "Turkey Bowl" flag football game is next week. It pits the older dads vs. youth. This year I am 40 and need to be in better shape to keep up. If you are joining me for this game, come prepared, stretch. We had way to many guys on the sidelines after 15 minutes. I refuse to be on of those guys that grows old gracefully. I am still feeling pretty young, but my body needs some reminding.

God is good all the time.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Catching up

Life is moving quite fast. Can you believe we are approaching the Holidays? Wow, Thanksgiving and Christmas are right here. I was blown away to see the Christmas decorations in the stores so early this year. Music is playing, movies are coming out for Christmas. Favorites are already being watched.

What a fantastic weekend we just had. My son Landon, and daughter Kaitlyn, attended the Dare 2 Share conference with our youth ministry. They both were really touched by the Lord, and compelled to change who they were. Both feel a calling to share the Lord with others with renewed vigor. I am very proud of both of them.

Landon is really developing a passion for leading worship. He is learning that singing or performing is one thing, but ministering in worship is another.

Chloe wrapped up the fall soccer season. She scored on average of 3.5 goals per game. She asked me the other day why there are rules in soccer. She said that if there were not any rules she could be more aggressive. How is it that cute little thing with blond hair and blue eyes could be so tough? Oh yeah Christa is her mom.

Christa has a new job that is a wonderful fit for the family life. She is up and out early in the morning and able to come home at 1. The only problem is that she passes out about 9pm.

My Sooners are #5 and have a chance to make the championship game. They have to beat Texas Tech on the 22nd. They will!

Today is Veterans Day. I am so blessed to pastor in this area. We honored our military this past Sunday and I was moved by how many men and women we had stand. It is truly an honor to speak into the lives of so many that serve our country. Thank you to all those that serve in this countries armed services. Thank you to everyone that continues to make this nation great. Let's remember to pray for our country - continually. May God truly bless America.

Lastly - don't forget "God doesn't, but we should, change is good."


Monday, October 27, 2008

catching up

Hello all

I have not been on the blog lately. Life has been busy lately. Of course you are all busy as well. I will continue to update this blog a bit more regularly. Why? I put it on my calendar now. That way I remind myself. I need these personal reminders to remember these days.

I use to remember names very well but finding myself at capacity lately. A good thing: Church is growing. A bad thing: Can't remember everyone I meet. In the future I will use some of those word association tactics. Like remembering a name with something funny. Like when I met Christa. I immediately said wow gorgeous girl. Christa - angel. Like Christ. Get it. Well seriously I never could forget meeting her. This was just an example. And angelic......? How about the old 90 -10 rule.

Chloe continues to score goals in her soccer games and expects a dollar a goal. We stopped that after the second game and 11 dollars. Landon is writing song lyrics and developing his skating skills. I have a goal to get him a skateboard for Christmas this year since he has now announced that he is a skater. I have found it funny that he has never pursued a skateboard - and yet is a "skater". Kaitlyn is busy, busy, busy. Choir, County Choir, Two dance classes, and a passion to be socially involved at every non-busy moment. So yes the pace is quick moving.

Christa has started a new job at Qinetiq. A great company, and a great schedule. Pray for her as she has just recently experienced a sprained ankle. This occurred as she was eating kettle corn and walking: problem if you know what I mean. To add some detail, she was walking through a corn maze with uneven ground in boots with heels - a bigger problem.

It's Monday - good night of T.V. Heroes, and MNF. The weather has turned cool today, very cool, maybe a fire. Big Smile just came across my face.

At the church we just announced the first service for our new building, Feb 22. 17 weeks and counting down.. At last.

Pastor Rich and I will start a new series for November - Transitions. Lots of changes happening all around us - let's talk about.



Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hump day

Wow, already Wednesday. I just finished working on the message for this Sunday concerning the Armor of God and spiritual warfare. This should be interesting as many people can get uptight, or weird when it comes to spiritual battle. In my own life I have discovered some truths and it matches scripture. With that said I am looking forward to sharing this on Sunday so that we can all learn what it means to "Go Medieval on powers of darkness".

Life is marching on as it is already Wednesday and I did not even realize it was the first day of October. September is over already? I am ready to really be into the fall with more than just football. I need weather, I need leaves changing, I love all of it so bring it on.

The family is doing well. Kids are growing faster than I know what to think. Landon eats more than the rest of us combined. He is throwing himself into singing. Kate is a dancing diva, Chloe a soccer champ. All of that is keeping us busy.

Keep praying for the family and friends in Baytown, Texas. We could also use prayer in the Hawpe household.


Thursday, September 25, 2008


Today I sit at this computer stunned, encouraged, and overcome that God is speaking a fresh word to me in a new way. I have talked with many friends, many family members, and colleagues concerning life. Let me give you perspective. Christa's parents live in Baytown, Texas near Houston. Their house was damaged, and they have been living in the church that they pastor for over a week. Power is still out in many areas. I have friends that I have not heard from in that area as of yet.

Others that I speak with , not hurricane victims, but fighting the fight. The struggle, the reality of the harshness of life. Today news of a bailout by the government to avoid an even greater financial crisis than what we are in.

People in the church, hardships relationally, hardships financially. Yet despite all this, there is a Hope. Why am I stunned? In this barrage of activity, morning drive, talk, email check, facebook messages, I have been getting a message. Through scripture reading, through worship songs sent via FB and listening to them in the car, to even an email I received this morning I am invaded with encouragement. I didn't seek it but it found me.

Thanks to all of you that are praying this week. I am so blessed to know that Horizons is a praying church. Persistent prayer will prevail. Let's keep praying, be encouraged we will overcome - God is with us, He today is with me. Thanks Jesus for hanging out with me.


Friday, September 5, 2008

So far so good.

This week like so many others has moved along quite quickly. I find myself staring at the calendar and trying to recount the previous eight months. This was the first week of school. My son Landon is up and out the door with barely an exchange of words. Hopefully a grunt of acknowledgement that all is well, he needs nothing and "loves" school.

Kaitlyn has a French language class at the high school. So to avoid bus rides with an all high school crowd, I am driving her. I have to leave at precisely 7:25 to ensure that we are not to early and forced to stand around an intimidating high school, or to late and thus tardy. I have to say it is really weird to watch my petite eight grade girl marching into that building every morning.

Chloe has the system down. After that first day of thinking "oh no there goes my baby" has been replaced with "daddy you are supposed to drive here, and do this". She jumps out of the van likes she has done it all her life, waves her hand, and zoom gone. Is there anyway that we can keep her five forever? I would love to know any secrets that you may have out there.

I am 40 and loving every minute of it. Football is in full swing and yes I am crashing the diet this weekend. Bring on the brats the burgers, the chips and dip. We got wall to wall games everywhere.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Better days

Today is tough for me. Tougher than I thought it would be. As this is the first day of school, I find that I now have one at each level of pre college education. Lan - High School, Kate - Jr High, and Chloe - elementary. As we dropped off Chloe, Christa and I were cut off at the front door, and watched our baby go off with someone we didn't know (Stranger Danger) down an unfamiliar hallway to her new classroom. I know, I know, they are trying to cut the separation anxiety at the knees, but I still don't like it.

We first did this first day of school some 10 year ago with Landon. I will never forget the lump in my throat as I watched my then little boy (close to 6 ft now) march into his school. A part of me ached, and I fought back the tears to see that. I sure did not think that would happen today, I mean I am 40 now, mature, experienced. Ouch, same lump and same feelings. Things have changed, a part of growing up is a loss of childlike wonder and innocence.

So I love the fall, I love school starting, but today was harder than I remembered. Better days are ahead. Yes everyone it is time for football, seasons change, and football. Yes I said football twice. Great days ahead, for so many of us.

Treasure the moments you have with your children. Time passes so fast.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

I lied

In today's world we can put out a blog, make a comment on Facebook, IM, Text, Twitter. I made the comment that I would no longer feel guilty about stopping and resting. I still do. This week has been a bit overwhelming. I can seem to get ahead. I am collapsing at 8pm. I feel guilty for watching a soccer practice, and still trying to remember what all I need to do. Checking text messages, emails etc. So I lied about not feeling guilty. I will try harder next week.

It is a back in the saddle and catch up week after being out for a few days. It is catch up with all the back to school goings on. It is dance classes and soccer practices. It is budgeting, planning and preparing for the fall.

In the midst of all that I am enjoying the Olympics. Truthfully not all that interested in the olympics in the past. Now I find myself watching swimming, volleyball, track and field and getting into it. I actually jumped off the couch and high fived my wife when Phelps won his seven and eighth medals.

Life is smacking me around. My son turned 16 last week. Kate turned 13 earlier this year. The big 4 0 is staring at me at the end of the month. My youngest will start Kindergarten this year (time for that emotional day of recognizing they are not so small anymore). I am a wreck.

We lost one of our beloved saints in Jean Roland a few days ago. Congratulations to her on the graduation into heaven, no more pain, no more sorrow, time to party. The loss is for us, and specifically for her family. Pray for them.

I need the fall. I need the schedule, the football, the air, the leaves, I need it. Only one more week until I get a little fun.

PS - I plan to dominate in Fantasy Football this year. I have a bad draft position, don't care. Get ready for pain.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Testing in the resting

Okay you speak about something and boom you get hit with it. Has that ever happened to you? I have received a considerable amount of feedback from this past Sunday. I was blessed to share this idea of "taking a rest stop". This was an easy message to speak on for this part of the country. Life will chew you up and spit you out. If you don't manage your time, it will pass you by, and make you pay dearly for it. So yes friends, we all, we all, all of us, you and me, everyone needs to take some time to think.

So today I get this email from one of the devotional sites I am associated with. It takes some excerpts from a book called practicing greatness by Reggie McNeal. It asks abaout seven areas in our lives... Adequate Sleep..Proper Diet..Moderate Caffeine..Adequate Exercise..Positive human contact..Mental Recreation..Think Time. I scored okay on some and not so okay on others. I am crossing a big hurdle that says it is okay to stop to think, and to enjoy life. Seriously we are all working hard, and we should. But we should also rest well. I am not going to feel bad when I stop. I can't even begin to tell you how many people have echoed this idea, "When I stop I feel like I am doing something wrong". Why? It is because we are in a workaholic society. This week the message is tough..."Lean not on what you Understand...but Trust the Lord" Wow - once again the simple and profound. I don't want to just speak about it I want to live... Lord help me today to be a doer of your word.

I am now going to get my work out in before running off to more chauffeuring, appointments, and meetings, and calls.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Capt Fun

My kids have called me Capt Fun in the past. However as we all get older, I have moved into Sgt Fun. My overall fun factor has diminished with busyness, schedule, and life. I think mainly because I have changed due to all that. I am pretty serious most of the time. Life has gotten more demanding and serious. My kids have changed. My kids need someone to help direct and encourage them - and discipline is tough. No one revels in that. So I guess it is the natural progression of maturity and growth. I have always said, that you have to learn that there is a time and place for everything.

I am learning the value of relaxation. When Christa and I were first married, I had to be going somewhere all the time. A trip to the beach and I wanted to boogie board, play volleyball, swim, surf, anything but relax. That has changed as well. Maybe I can learn a new moniker - Capt relaxation.

Maybe this weekend our independence day celebration I can get a message ready, get the van tires fixed, clean the house, encourage the kids, and have a few moments to reflect and relax. Listen everyone we need to enjoy life, not just do life. Take time to spend with those you love and remember that relationships are the only thing we take to heaven.



Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's getting hot in here

Hello all

It is getting hot out there, in here, and everywhere. I am knocking on the door of 40 and I seriously can't seem to get cool. Every time I work out, go out in the hot sun, or get in some cramped space I start sweating. This is new to me. It takes me over a half hour to cool down after a work out.

Things are incredibly busy right now. Church is growing, new folks every week. People are making decision for Christ. We are looking to get more and more people integrated into the church and more importantly growing them in the family of God. This weekend is large. Last weekend was large. Next weekend we get to relax, July 4th. It shouldn't be crowded around here right.? So if you are reading this on June 26, 27th - pray as we have some important events this weekend: Fit meeting, Membership BBQ, Sunday two service, and a 101 on Sunday evening.

I have had many inquiries into what is happening with the rest of the fam, so here goes.

Christa is part time at Zales and looking to make a nice transition into something closer and more fitting to kids and school. Landon is going to turn 16 this August, we have started the driving lessons, so stay away from abandoned parking lots on Saturday afternoon. He is in no hurry to drive, and neither are Christa and I.

A quick snapshot of Kaitlyn. Goes to a birthday party on Tuesday at noon, calls Wednesday to let us know that they are running a late from their trip and wants to spend the night. Spends Wednesday night out, picked up on Thursday when she announces I got a text message for another sleepover party on Friday. That is a typical schedule for social girl extraordinaire.

Chloe - she is loving the summer and having parties with stuffed animals all over the house. She is learning to read, and becoming proficient in computer games like Barbie and Webkinz. Smile if you know what Webkinz is.

Best movies so far this summer...Get Smart, Kung Fu Panda (pleasantly surprised) and Iron Man. I have not seen Hulk, Indiana Jones, or Caspian. I was given to much info to spend the 10 bucks, gas, and 40 dollars at concession stand to go to them. I will wait for DVD. However, Wall-E is just around the corner, and yes my most anticipated... The Dark Knight.

Have a great summer, keep smiling, keep living, keep loving, attitude is everything.



Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back in the swing

Well this week is flying by. It is always hard to get in the groove after some time off. I am looking at the calendar and seeing that June is right here. June, that means summer, wow. As always I am finding the calendar busy, and we are gearing up for a fantastic summer with the church. We will be praying at the property next Saturday June 7 at 9am. We are launching a new sermon series and global church prayer campaign called One Prayer.

Now get how big this One Prayer event is. Over one thousand churches that list over 700,000 churches are participating. Churches are sharing resources, praying for one another and sharing a message of passion, unity, and authenticity to its congregations. I am very excited that we are a part of this as it could shape history. I sincerely believe that concentrated prayer and concentrated action can change the world.

I hope that all of you will join in praying with the church. I can't wait for Sunday. Pastor Rich and I will kick off this monthlong series. Look for more info and more udpates as things are really starting to move around here.

Blessings to all that make ministry a joy to do.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Back from Disney

We have just returned from our Disney trip. It was awesome. I learned a lot about myself. I am very ambitious in the parks. I want to do it all, and then do it again. However, I found myself getting tired. Legs tired, feet tired, just a little weary from moving around the parks. I would also say that my joy is all the more complete in watching my kids.

This trip was awesome, we did less, but it meant much more. We found that Magic that many people find at Disney World. ON one particular day it just all came together. Chloe was made over, we got into the park early, got Space Mountain like three times, other rides, character autographs all in 3 hours. ON the way out of the Magic Kingdom, Chloe get offered by Chip and Dale to take part in the mid day parade. Just imagine me running through the crowd to get ahead to catch that magic moment we are enjoying.

Landon and Kaitlyn are Disney vets, and I am seeing that they are starting to show a lot of me. Landon wants to run ahead and get the fast passes. Kaitlyn looks at map and plans. They both are contributing in a great many ways to make the trip happen.

Christa and I had a few moments to ourselves one evening. We got to Epcot (new Spaceship Earth is awesome) - in time to do a few rides. But a relaxing walk around world showcase to visit literally many lands was so nice. The breeze was just blowing, and for a moment the pace of life slowed and I let out a big sigh of relaxation.

On Friday we left Orlando for Palm Coast Fla. Wow, this place is so nice. A very gorgeous area between Daytona and St Augustine. We had a wedding to perform for one of my former young people who now is a part of the band Leeland. We rehearsed in the rain on Friday, and had wedding outside on Saturday morning in some of the warmest conditions ever. I really need a suit that is light weight not wool for beach side May weddings in Florida.

All went well, and our travels were safe. It feels great to be home, but not real great as I am already planning that next Disney trip, with a new plan to get it done, and relax a little longer. I hear it can be done.

Be blessed, summer is on the way.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Count down to Disney

Hello folks

With Christa's B-day past (May 3) our family now turns its attention to our upcoming trip to Orlando. While there I will be performing a wedding, visiting my parents, and getting some r and r. What I mean by r and r - roller coasters and rides. Chloe has not been there for 3 years, so we anticipate great memories from this trip.

God really worked this out as a number of circumstances came into play to make this happen. Now wouldn't know that just one week before leaving, sickness hits the house. It begins with Chloe, moves to Christa, and then back to Chloe (who is never sick). I am very ready to be on the road and have some time for family fun, not family sickness.

As we approach summer you can see many people in their work out modes. I hope to join them all after Memorial Day. I have to admit that I did start working out in February with regularity, but slowed down after the spring break. I lost a quick seven pounds, but got addicted to eating my deserts again. Yes, it is time to get back into the work out swing. I need to get out of the on again off again - and letting stuff get in the way.

Just wrapped up the Unforgettable series. I loved sharing about investing into others lives. That is so important to our faith. We must pass the flame, we must tell and show others the difference the Christ has made in us. So let others learn from you, model to many and mentor to some, every deed is seed.

Praying for our church, our leaders, and our ministry family to stay strong. God is doing wonderful live giving things through Horizons. Thanks for your prayers and your help. Let's keep moving forward.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back from Conference

Hey all, just got back from a Facilities conference last night. The conference focused on the use, maintenance, purpose, and versatility of facilities. What I especially liked was that it all, no matter what it is, should point to the purposes of the Church and bring God glory. We as a church exist to tell, show, and demonstrate the love of Christ to our world. This is why we have dinners, donuts, conversation, Life Groups, and ministry teams, just to name a few. To enlighten the minds of our community that they do not have to be lonely and spiritually hungry. To en flame hearts to discover purpose and meaning in life.

I have just started a new communication device through the web called twitter. Funny little name, and very different in its purpose. I just thought I would give it a test drive to see if it will help me to better communicate with many. I will provide a link on this blog. Twitter simply asks "What are you doing now?" So throughout the day, I will be letting the world know, what I am doing? Right now I am reviewing notes, and blogging.

Today in National Day of Prayer, come on down to Stafford Courthouse to join a group of people that will pause and pray.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I am saying Wow a lot this past week. Why? Good things and bad things. Right now I am at home with my sick little one Chloe. She is never sick. Never has had anything more than about a 24 hour bug. The strange thing is that she got sick early Saturday morning right before her 5Th birthday party. We managed to get through it, but we are not out of the woods yet. Wow, why would my never sick child get sick before the most important celebration of the year (in her mind).

Wow! I am blessed by our church family. The Grace series that Pastor Rich did was great. I hope that you all have had a chance to hear some of those message. We all need to be encouraged that God's grace is sufficient. I am blessed that we had such an amazing response to the Compassion project. Our totals were in the double digits of kids sponsored and that is a total home run.

Wow! My kids are growing and showing some great maturity. Kaitlyn has announced to Christa and I what she wants to be, and where she intends to go to school. Landon has been doing great in school and an awesome help around the house. Our kids are real kids, there are ups and downs but Wow they are awesome.

Wow! Christa has a birthday next weekend (about all I can say). I have a wonderful wife. Wow it is Spring, nice weather. Wow, its spring but not nice weather.

I do start a new series called "Unforgettable" this week. My prayer is that it will bless our church as it has me in the preparation. I am convinced our life on the earth is important, not for what we get, but for what we give and even leave behind. Come hear some wonderful stories of heroes of the faith and American history.

Be blessed everyone - because rain or shine - you are blessed.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hole in your sandal

So Chad Bledsoe and I were talking at lunch. We were both commenting on how it is so true that when God does amazing things hard times follow. We reflected on the how the Israelites are moving into the promised land, but blowing it all the time.

We laughed when we thought of the Red Sea miracle. The Israelites are looking at God's miracle of the parting of the red sea. Is it possible as they traversed the dry land between the seas there was some complaining? Do I ever in the midst of God doing some amazing things, notice the little issues in life. Just as we have heard in the series that Pastor Rich is doing, Grace is sufficient and it surrounds us. Do we notice? Or do we stop and notice the hole in the sandal.

The mountain top experiences are seemingly always followed by Monday morning issues. Jesus knew and lived that out. When we experience the hardships, like Christ did, we need to learn to receive His grace - because He understands.

Just thinking that as human beings we get a lot of opportunities to grow. Let' grow.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Let Hope Rise

Hello everyone

It has been a few weeks since my last blog. So much has happened. Some good, some bad. I know that many of you can relate. I must confess I have had a hard time staying up. It weighs on me to talk to so many that are hurting and going through difficult times. Especially true when they are people that are close to us.

Last week the family dog, Thurston, was hit by a car. He had been staying with my parents in Florida. They are heart broken to lose such a dear pet that was truly a friend to the family. I will never forget bringing him home to meet the kids about 5 years ago. It is tough to see him go.

As I look around I can see that Spring is trying. March came in like a lion, and frankly outside of a few days, stayed pretty cold. In fact today - April 3- it is sleeting outside. Neverthless the cherry blossoms have blossomed and I even wore shorts just a few days ago. Spring is coming. Let Hope Rise folks. We are here for each other. Let's pray and continue to journey together.

On that note - Horizons provided 728.7 lbs of food for the Serve organization. This was amazing, and the director was just flabbergasted at the amount our church brought in. Great job everybody and thanks for all your contributions to the Kingdom of God.

Let Hope Rise, His Grace is enough for all of us. I think Pastor Rich's message this Sunday will be very timely. Grace to stand. That is so true, but sometimes hard to do. Stand. His Grace will provide hope to carry on. Let's keep going folks God is awesome.

Keep watching our land, some exciting stuff is going to be happening in just a few days.



Thursday, March 6, 2008

Not already

With disbelief in staff meeting this week we discussed the tragic "Spring Forward" daylight savings time is for this weekend. I can say that not a single person has been joyful or excited about this Saturday's moving time forward. Yes friends, this weekend, a very early March 8th is that weekend to set your clock ahead one hour.

Makes me think how valuable is that hour to each of us. For most it means a loss of sleep. For others it means know SNL for Saturday night. One hour can be very meaningful in prayer. It can be wonderful for communication and relationships. One hour is something that we often waste, so think about your preparation for this weekend.

I personally will find it hard to get up on Sunday morning, and especially one hour earlier. Let's remember to pray for all of our team that is there first thing on Sunday's, they do a great job.

I am very shocked that we are in March. 2008 is rolling right along. Christa and I are making plans for the spring and summer. Trying to find a little time to get with family and have some fun. It can be hard to come by.

I am a Disney fanatic. Recently on the Travel Channel they had a full day of Disney, visiting parks, ranking rides, showing new attractions. It was awesome, wall to wall Disneyworld. My family just watched, staring in silence. Chloe would occasionally let us know that she would like to ride this and ride that. My research tells me that if we can make it there this year, she will be tall enough to do all the rides except two - Rock and Roller Coaster, and Expedition Everest. There is a small debate on if we should expose her to the Tower of Terror. Feel free to let me know what you think her. It could be fantastic or traumatic, and probably both.

Blessing to all - Here comes Spring.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Seasonal depression anyone?

Wow, I have heard a lot of comments lately on being down, depressed, tired, and other such words. Yes it could be one of many things. One thing I did not know until the other day was that vitamin D is important to our well being. Obviously we need vitamins, but do we know how to get specific ones? I did not, but I am learning. Vitamin D is manufactured by our bodies from the sun. No sun, no vitamin D. So if you are feeling blue, a simple solution might be adding a vitamin D supplement to your diet.

Now let us pause and see if their is any other significance to this time of discouragement.
Personally I have been fighting the 'blues' for the past few weeks. I am overcoming, by praying, by choosing to smile, and by trying to offload some of my stress through fitness and family. I don't know why, but this time of year is very tough. I love the fall seaon and the holidays, but once we turn the calendar it gets tough. I/We start to get a little cabin fever and want to get outside. We ache for summer, swimming, golf, and late sunsets.

Here is the good news, Spring Break is just four weeks away. The weather as crazy as it is, has been warmer over the last few weeks and it looks like an early spring (writing this we have a forecast for snow and ice in the next 24 hours). In the meantime, choose happiness, smile, spend some time with family, and remember as a follower of Christ we have the one who sticks closer than a brother. Let's go to Him to receive a fresh blessing.

How about some new music- I am really loving a new song called "Moving Forward". You will hear it soon at Horizons. Let's keep moving and believing for God to use us to change the world.



Thursday, February 7, 2008


I guess you could say that I stuck my foot in my mouth this past Sunday. In the 11am service, while talking about the tongue, I made mention that my beautiful wife was holding up well for her age. Yes, I know, it just came out. I had several people comment to me afterward. You know that I did my best to explain it away, but only dug deeper. I am paying for it this week. I make this promise to make it up to her as we go into Valentines day.

The funny thing is that I just had made a point to tell the truth with tact. The quote I used was that "everything that is said must be true, but not everything true must be said." I guess you could say I should listen to my own advice. It really is tough to be caught in your own words. The scripture is very true that the tongue is full of life and death, so be careful out there.

Speaking of Christa though, my wife looks great. She is doing much better than I am. I look at pictures of Christa and I from just a few years ago, and think what happened to me. The hair thing is what it is. Everything else I do have control over. I have renew my commitment to health. I want to get better. I know how to, now the hard part, doing it. The doing is hard for all of us, but the payoff it great.

I am learning and growing. Keep on keeping on.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kids do say strange things

Christa and I have been having a lot of fun lately - watching our 4 yr old. Maybe we should say hearing our 4 yr old. She can make my day - with just a few words. I just love that kind of innocence.

We are spending some time at Great Wolf Lodge a few weeks ago. As we sat pool side Chloe walked up to a lady as her family was interacting with Landon. They were from Pennsylvania and were followers of Christ, as Landon had discovered. Chloe seeing the conversation, went over to her and said "You are so pretty". The lady nearly fell into the pool. She beamed ear to ear. The next day as we were loading our car the father commented that this was a trip to celebrate a benchmark birthday (I can only speculate age). Chloe's remark had made the trip for them. Boom - a simple random kind comment and it made a huge impact on someone.

Chloe is awesome and says some great stuff, that I just wish I could bottle. Of course all my children have, and I would suppose yours to. It just once again reminds me the power of kind words. When is the last time we said with sincerity something kind to a co-worker, much less a stranger. Let me just say, that I am going to be alert to my world, and to its need for kindness that should be characteristic of Christians.

If you have young kids, treasure their words. It can change your day, and maybe somebody's world.

I saw Cloverfield, thumbs up. American Idol, nothing new. For those of you that have HD TV, I am now an addict to Sunrise Earth. Yes I am that sappy.

Blessing to all -


Friday, January 11, 2008

The Rain came

I just finished reading an article that says water restrictions in the area are being lifted and that our own county reservoirs are increasing. That is great news. It happened by watching and conserving our usage, and of course rain.

I am smacked in the face with this metaphor - We have to do something, but it is God that will bring it to be. This is so applicable for the believer. Dig in, study the bible, fellowship, learn, seek God, do the spiritual disciplines - but God will bring the increase.

In my own life - I am recognizing my duty, my responsibility to be a good steward of all that I have - but it is the Lord who will bless, guide, keep, sustain, anoint, provide, and protect me. Here we are looking at what our church is about to embrace - two services. It is daunting, it is intimidating, it is exciting. I have planned, and prepared, and I have found out that I need the Lord to help me through this weekend, and every other one for that matter. God will get the glory; because He loves to use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.

Well friends - do all that you can in life, grow. Then trust the Lord with all your heart and see that there is even more than you could ever imagine.

Happy New Year to all - only 355 days left in this one.
