Friday, May 28, 2010

Dreaming again

I find that pace can easily suck the time right out of life. Or is that the life right out of time. Anyhow time never stops moving. We look up and what do you know it's May and this year is almost half done. Dreaming for me does not take a lot of effort. I love to dream and think of what the future could be. The hard part is finding, creating time in which to do that.

I think the need for a getaway is what is necessary. So with that said I march off to do my favorite thing: Theme and Water parks. Today Christa and I will load up the kids for a few days in Williamsburg to see the sites and have some fun. In the midst of marching up ramp to catch a coaster or water slide is when I often get a spark of inspiration.

So bring on the fun, the relaxation and the dreams. Its time to start dreaming again.

Shalom: peace to you on this Memorial Day weekend.
