Thursday, March 6, 2008

Not already

With disbelief in staff meeting this week we discussed the tragic "Spring Forward" daylight savings time is for this weekend. I can say that not a single person has been joyful or excited about this Saturday's moving time forward. Yes friends, this weekend, a very early March 8th is that weekend to set your clock ahead one hour.

Makes me think how valuable is that hour to each of us. For most it means a loss of sleep. For others it means know SNL for Saturday night. One hour can be very meaningful in prayer. It can be wonderful for communication and relationships. One hour is something that we often waste, so think about your preparation for this weekend.

I personally will find it hard to get up on Sunday morning, and especially one hour earlier. Let's remember to pray for all of our team that is there first thing on Sunday's, they do a great job.

I am very shocked that we are in March. 2008 is rolling right along. Christa and I are making plans for the spring and summer. Trying to find a little time to get with family and have some fun. It can be hard to come by.

I am a Disney fanatic. Recently on the Travel Channel they had a full day of Disney, visiting parks, ranking rides, showing new attractions. It was awesome, wall to wall Disneyworld. My family just watched, staring in silence. Chloe would occasionally let us know that she would like to ride this and ride that. My research tells me that if we can make it there this year, she will be tall enough to do all the rides except two - Rock and Roller Coaster, and Expedition Everest. There is a small debate on if we should expose her to the Tower of Terror. Feel free to let me know what you think her. It could be fantastic or traumatic, and probably both.

Blessing to all - Here comes Spring.