Thursday, November 15, 2007

More favorites

I was reading a story the other day and a line from it jumped at me. "We often focus on the one or two negative things instead of thanking God for the many good things." Wow, that is so true, even to someone that is optimistic like myself. Every day I hear on the news, see on the tv, and talk to people about bad things. The reality is that there are many wonderful things to enjoy - everyday.

I think this is why I am enjoying the simple things more. My awareness at what is good in life needs to grow. For instance, when we are concerned about our children making wise choices, we need to remind ourselves that they have in the past. We should enjoy their smiles, their questions, and their complex lives.

When we wonder about our schedule and can we get it all done, remember you probably have in the past. When we have concerns about life, health, and finances we need to remember that we have made it this far with God's grace. God can make a way.

What I am saying is that we often over complicate life. At least I do. Let's enjoy the simple things, let's trust God, and enjoy ourselves. Grab some coffee, watch the leaves fall, and remember that you are loved by God. You are His son or daughter. He has a plan for us.

Here are some more favorites, like finding that 20 left in your pocket. Or when you get a card of appreciation. Being surprised by laughter from a colleague. I love when Christa and I share with each other, and we both have the same thought.

I like the challenge of stopping the gas pump on an even number. It moves so fast these days- it's tough. I love sleeping to the sound of a soft rain. I hate getting up from it though.

There really is lots to love, lots to like, lots for us to enjoy in life. Let's be realistic, we are a blessed people. That is not optimisim, that is a fact. Keep on keeping on and blessings to you all as we approach the holiday season.


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