Thursday, January 4, 2007

New year - New You?

Really New Years resolutions are so overdone, overstated, and neverdone. Sure you may be one of the few out there that has made a resolution and kept it. Great.

For the vast majority of us who put on the pounds at Christmas, take em off at new year, find ourselves with the same "oh well" in a few months. Now resolutions are good, they make us think about improvement - we all need that.

You Can Do it? But this year, let me ask you a question. Link the new you to a new heart. In other words don't just set a goal for the goal. Maybe prayerfully consider what that new you can do for the family, world, God.

You see God wants all of us to be successful when we pursue His purposes. When we don't then isn't our pursuit about self. Is that vanity?

You can do anything you want to. When you do something with the heart and mind of Christ, well then you can do it - and be doing it for the right reasons. So start the new year off with a new you, unless your perfect.

Fix your eyes, abide in Him, and let's see where 2007 takes us.

Wow - I get excited about the idea of people doing things with passion - for Christ.

See ya around


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