Thursday, January 18, 2007


Well everyone as you may know our church is in the midst of tough questions. Tough questions about life and faith and everything else. I think God loves it when we ask questions. Hopefully that leads us to the Bible, to read, study, contemplate, and then read, study, contemplate some more. Maybe fire off a few hypotheticals at additional wise people and find some answers.

Here is what I am discovering though? God does not fit into the box of all our questions answered - so fire away. God can handle all of our questions.

This is an authentic journey of discovery, join in. Hope to see everyone on Sunday as we continue the series. Until then check out the website to see some of the questions that we are discussing.

On a total random note: American Idol contestants make me think that I can sing. They coming to D.C. next year.


1 comment:

Joy said...

I'm really glad you guys are doing this. It makes me feel like I'm still connected to you guys and will learn a lot from your thoughts and experiences. Tough questions...Im excited to hear the messages and read about the discussions on the website. I guess I have some of my own from just this past month. We do miss you all and hope to keep in touch. We are praying to find a church like Horizons! God bless!