Monday, January 29, 2007


Hello all

It has been awhile since I posted, I know that you hate being kept in suspense. Nevertheless, its the last Monday of January. One month down and 11 more to go.

As we continue our speaking series on Tough Questions, I just spoke one of my most thought provoking messages (at least to me). I am convinced that God loves us. I am convinced that His grace that He gives me and you, is abundant. I am convinced that He loves real people, not plastic or robotic folks that just blindly meander along.

Asking Questions is real. It drives us to search our heart. God questions dig real deep. God can handle anything we ask. Just make sure to listen. How do we listen you ask? I am reminded of Elijah, and how he heard. It wasn't in the earthquake, the voice wasn't in the fire, or the wind. It was in the "still small voice". God wants to talk to us, commune with us, share and relate to us.

So how do we slow down long enough to hear a still small voice. I have heard some wise folks say that busyness is a sin. Just going a hundred miles an hour, never stopping, just doing, not stopping to listen much less relate to the Creator of the Universe.

Thus our church's decision to do a 21 day fast. Beginning on Feb 5th, the day after the Super Bowl and all those parties with healthy food, we will fast. What we will fast is entirely up to the individual. We have introduced this fast as a devotion to God, to honor a commitment that will mean less of us, so we can have more of Him. We are fasting for miracles. In our fast we are desiring to see some real breakthroughs for each other.

You can fast a meal a day, a meal on one day, a type of food. You can fast tv, internet, cell phone. You can do a day of silence, where we just lock into God. You can participate in the Daniel Fast.... where we don't eat meat, fried food, caffeine, Soda, Sugar, Flour, Rice, or preservatives. We do eat, Fruit, whole grains, vegetables, seeds, nuts, water, fruit juice.

Wow could be tough, but its supposed to be. If you want to make some big strides in your walk with Christ, crucify that flesh - it won't like it, but maybe you and I will slow down, maybe we will hear something that changes our life.


Pastor Jay

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