Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Growing is good

I love that my kids are growing and maturing. A part of me also hates it. I hate that I am aging and finding out about weight, ear hair, baldness and you get the idea. But one thing that I love is that I can still find a freshness in my walk with Christ.

I have to celebrate some of what God has done lately. Not in any real material ways, but in some spiritual awakening. I have always struggled to slow down. Right now I am in a season of go - go-go. I struggle with the idea of solitude. Yet - that is what I am finding in the midst of all the noise. I am recognizing that God is a big God and I will let him be that. That the clutter of our days can never match the wonder of who God is. If you really try you can find it.

So my encouragement to all of you today is find little moments to celebrate who God is. It might just change your life.

Be blessed today


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