Saturday, December 29, 2007

Closing the Year

Wow, this year has really flown by. I recently read in the book "You -Staying Young" that if life is moving fast then you are doing something right. Well I must really be doing a lot right to watch life pass by at this pace. Yes I am interested in staying young, as you may have noted with the book title. Young - What does that mean anyhow? I know many that in their fifties that seem to be young. I used to think that was old, but now I see it differently.

No doubt as we close the book on 2007 and begin 2008 we do so with great hope that this coming year will be the one. The one in which we lose weight, get rid of debt, save money, get fit, and all that other stuff. I would encourage us all to take 2008 as a time of reflection and planning for more. I know that God has wonderful plans for you and me. I know that He has a divine plan for Horizons church. Maybe we could all just ask of God, "Use Me to accomplish your plan here on earth". What might that mean for you. Would it mean giving something up that we feel is important to do something for God.

No one likes change, but sure enough it comes. How do we embrace it? How do we make the most out changing who we are and what we do? We do it for purposes that God created us for. That is to touch our world, and make disciples. Can we do more? Can I do more? Can I be more effective, smarter, wiser, more productive, for God's Kingdom. Yes - and so can you. Just think if we all put our efforts together to advance God's plan for mankind. It could be awesome.

So Happy New Year to you. Let us be good steward of the time and talents that God has given us. Please join us on the first Sunday in January - the 6th as we share the vision God placed upon our hearts. 2008 awaits, and people need to see and experience the Life changing power that we have in Jesus Christ.

Let Go for it with everything we've got - 2008 awaits, let's make it great.


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