Thursday, May 17, 2007


Hello all

I recently changed the picture that I had on this blog. I was told that I had a cheesy grin, and a stupid look. I got to wondering when is the last picture that I took that was good.? The older we get the more difficult that it becomes to be comfortable with our picture. At least it does for me. I don't really care all that much at how I look, but when I do I am rarely satisfied.

Now try taking the group picture or the family picture. That can be really tough. So I have put a new picture of my intramural football team in Bible college up. You can see me in the middle. Yes I had a full head of hair. Seems like yesterday that I owned a brush. We won the game.

I am really thinking about how much has changed and where all God has brought me. It is safe to say that our faith walk is a "Journey". Pictures tell a story and capture moments all along the journey. So make sure that you take plenty of pictures along yours. Who knows we may look back and thank God for what we did have in the past or even what we experienced, both good and bad. It did shape us.

Keep on keeping on everyone. Their is joy in the journey. Look for it. Take pictures and preserve it. We can all go forward with confidence as we preserve our past. The past is our history, learn from it, grow from it, evolve.

Hope to see you soon. New series begins this week on Spent - How will you invest your life?


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