Thursday, February 19, 2009

We've blown it

Look everyone we have all blown it in relationships. We have all failed, right? I know I have. This Sunday we will continue to talk about Authority - Godly, Biblical authority, and applying it to family life. We hope to dis spell some myths and reveal some truths. We hope to show that in our humanness we all blow it in our relationships to spouse and kids. The great news is that we can do it right. Things can change.

The truth is that most people wallow in their guilt, apathy, and despair. We become aware (revelation), we make a choice (aspiration), we do the work (perspiration), to make a real change. Things can change but you have to make a first step. Its the hardest, but can make a world of difference in your life.

Wow, I don't know where that came from; but it was kinda like a sermon outline. Sorry. Seriously I know in my life I have blown it. I have to move on -I have to Advance or Move Forward. Its time for all of us to admit the mistakes and make restitution. Maybe we need to forgive, maybe we need to start obeying, maybe we need to start living our life to benefit someone else. It never works when we thinks its about us, do it all for us, need the "feed me" its about me - selfish attitude.

Families can work despite the many trials they face. They can work despite our pace and schedule. But we have to go back to God's word to find the divine design. Join us on Sunday as we explore "Family Matters".

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