Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Is it fall yet? Pray for Rain

What is going on with the weather? I guess we should all be praying for rain. Rain by the way is often considered a bad thing. We refer to the rain as "Oh its raining outside!"It ruins our hair, not mine, but other's. We also say in reference to bad things happening to people "It rains on the righteous and the unrighteous."

Yet here we are being told to ration water, and that we have gone some 30 plus days without any real measurable rain. So when it does come, my perspective will change. I will thank God for the rain. I will rejoice, with many others to know that our water levels will increase. Our grass will get a soak, the trees will get a drink and show their appreciation with brighter colors.

It is just a perspective thing about rain. It is good, it is necessary, and sometimes its bad. Many of our issues or problems in life are like that. Sometimes they are necessary. God can use anything to get us from point A to point B. Right now we need it - the rain. So remember when we pass through this season and into the next - appreciate the rain when it's not as desired as today.

Speaking of a season, I am a little disappointed that the fall hasn't been spectacular with a weather change, and leaves turning color. Football is half over, that is scary. We are making plans for all of our Christmas ideas and programs. We are in the last quarter of 2007. I can't believe it. I guess we should all just count our blessings, and pray for rain.

Seriously we should pray for rain.

Starting a new series this Sunday called the Enemy Within. I am looking forward to sharing the redemptive power of Christ over our lives. So pray for Sunday and for Horizons to be a life giving church.

Be blessed


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