Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Wow, it's been a few days since my last blog. I guess I am one of those guys that resists keeping a journal, even on the Internet. Anyhow, as I reflect on the past few months I recognize I am very blessed. Blessed to see so many of our people at Horizons plugging into ministry. I am blessed that we are moving forward with the building of a permanent facility. The next step being a membership vote for approval of loan on July 1. I was blown away by the response from the Skittle pour. I keep getting comments despite that the pour happened weeks ago. I am blessed to see when people "get it". It is one of my favorite moments in ministry when people have the lightbulb moment and choose to trust God.

I am blessed to have an awesome family in Christa and the kids. I am blessed to have a great extended family in my parents and in my in-laws. In fact my in-laws were just with us for a few days. I blew it on the Sunday that they were in service at Horizons by failing to mention their visit. It was great to have them for a few days. My youngest is getting her opportunity to play the "just relax' game with Pa Pa. I am blessed to see the kids laugh, and celebrate the simple moments with family.

I am blessed to live in Stafford, and in America. I am blessed to be at Horizons. I am blessed to have a wonderful team of people to work alongside with. I am blessed as I look with excitement at the summer schedule. I am anticipating even more for the fall. Let's all be praying for that. I am blessed that even when we don't think things are good, God is there. I am blessed when things are good, and when God is very real.

Maybe you are blessed to. Watch your words - the power of life and death are in the tongue. I am watching mine. Well, that can be tough, but so worth it.



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