Monday, March 29, 2010

Great things coming

I love the spring. I had a tremendous weekend a few weeks back as the sun was shining and I was doing one of my favorite things - riding coasters. As I walked around the park that day I kept getting this nudge...That great things are happening, and greater things are to come. In sorting out what that was about I was not sure if this was a reference to my day or to my life, or family, or to the church.

What I felt in my spirit and after praying some I truly sense that God was saying that greater things are coming for the local church and for us (my family). A corner was turned. I really see that in spite of some of the hardness of life that a perspective of belief with action can change everything.

My encouragement to anyone that is reading this is that God's word is true. Remind yourself of the promises and start to live like they are true. I don't know if the miracle you seek will come true, but I do believe that God will reveal Himself in a fresh way.

Be blessed.


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