Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What If We .... Wrap Up

I just finished the "What If" series a few days ago. I have to tell you (whomever may be reading) that it was a challenging series. We talked about some very real issues or character qualities that we need to possess - if we hope to make a difference. I know that I am personally challenged to be more friendly, forgiving, trusting, and patient. Hey it's not easy.

Friendship is work, it takes intentionality, planning, and effort. Forgiveness is not natural -but one of the most liberating things we will ever do. Trust is the single most important in any relationship (for it to work). Lastly patience - a true challenge in our 21st century American culture. Yet patience - as we studied is truly a catalyst for champions, heroes, winners, and over comers.

What if the friendship, the forgiveness, the trust, and the patience we see in the bible and are encouraged to live in, was seen by our world. What if what was happening in the Bible happened in our lives, in our community, in our families.

A final thought as we wrap up this July series - of What If. What if you and I really determined to change our world by changing who we are? Change starts with me. Change starts with you. Praying for you and looking forward to a fantastic fall.

Pastor Rich returns from Sabbatical and will be speaking on "Heavyweights" Sundays in August. Come learn how to handle that weight on your shoulders.

Blessings to all,