Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One down

Okay - so time flies - we have all heard it, and probably have all said it. Yet, I can't believe that January is already over. One month down and 11 to go. It is crazy to get older and see how fast time speeds up.

My kids are to funny with the desire for Snow days. When we lived in Colorado a foot of snow would come and at best a 2 hour delay. Here with just the threat of snow we get a delay, and if there is any real accumulation or ice in the forecast it is a snow day for sure. Its just funny to have a snow day with very little snow. All of those of you that use to live outside of the Northern Virginia area know what I mean.

I really enjoyed watching the Super Bowl this year. I thought it was a great game. I had no real allegiance to either team, but enjoyed it nonetheless.

Have a great week and make the most of your time because it really is ticking away.

One more thought - March 8th is the Spring Forward time change. Yuck - way to early.


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