Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Count down to Disney

Hello folks

With Christa's B-day past (May 3) our family now turns its attention to our upcoming trip to Orlando. While there I will be performing a wedding, visiting my parents, and getting some r and r. What I mean by r and r - roller coasters and rides. Chloe has not been there for 3 years, so we anticipate great memories from this trip.

God really worked this out as a number of circumstances came into play to make this happen. Now wouldn't know that just one week before leaving, sickness hits the house. It begins with Chloe, moves to Christa, and then back to Chloe (who is never sick). I am very ready to be on the road and have some time for family fun, not family sickness.

As we approach summer you can see many people in their work out modes. I hope to join them all after Memorial Day. I have to admit that I did start working out in February with regularity, but slowed down after the spring break. I lost a quick seven pounds, but got addicted to eating my deserts again. Yes, it is time to get back into the work out swing. I need to get out of the on again off again - and letting stuff get in the way.

Just wrapped up the Unforgettable series. I loved sharing about investing into others lives. That is so important to our faith. We must pass the flame, we must tell and show others the difference the Christ has made in us. So let others learn from you, model to many and mentor to some, every deed is seed.

Praying for our church, our leaders, and our ministry family to stay strong. God is doing wonderful live giving things through Horizons. Thanks for your prayers and your help. Let's keep moving forward.


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