Thursday, October 18, 2007

Monopoly madness

Confession time. As I sit here eating some fries, I realized the marketing experts got me. I love the game Monopoly - I went years without ever losing and bragging about it. I now lose regularly so I no longer brag, but I still like to compete. Anyhow, McD's has this promotion around Monopoly. This is quite a coincidence because this past week I was playing the brand new - Credit Card edition.

I was at my brother in laws house and he had just obtained the newest version of Monopoly. All money is in millions and thousands. The card machine keeps up your account with it gains and losses. Pretty inventive and really enticing especially to the gadget freaks. My wife I am proud to say managed to win that game, she is pretty tough with her dealings.

Anyhow, I find myself driving by McDonald's and looking at the monopoly promo, 2 game pieces if you get a soda, two more on a large fry, two more on Big Mac. Collect game pieces, make the set and win cash and prizes. There is no way that I really think I am going to win, but you know what, I drove thru. Yes - the enticement to get my hands on those fries with game pieces - Wow. So it really works this marketing ploy. Nice job for them. Bad for my diet, but joy for that part of me that will always play Monopoly.

See you soon


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