Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Soil and Seed = yield

I am not a gardener. I don't pretend to be one. I don't aspire to be one. I hate yard work. However, I did grown up in Oklahoma and have been to a farm or to. I know this one thing. Prepare soil, plant seed, pull weed, water and over time you get something a harvest.

I am on a journey with Christ. Some of the seeds that have been planted in me are ready to bloom into harvest. Some seed didn't make it where it should and it has died. Some seed found its way, but the soil wasn't cared for and it didn't make it either.

I guess you could say that the more I care for the soil, and the more selective of seed, the greater the payoff in the future. We reap what we sow. So what should we sow? What should I so? What should you so?

So time to get real from those New Years resolutions and follow through with some action. I did make a resolution and I did plant a work out seed and a better eating seed. Giving some care to those seeds - I might still make a healthy summer harvest.

PS - Me, Pastor Jim and Andy, and a few others are going to the midnight show of Spider man 3 on Thursday night/Fri morning. So seeing as we live on the east coast, we should be the first batch of folks to see it. Ha - can't wait to brag on Friday.


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