Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Celebrating our Volunteers

Every week as I look around church I see our volunteers doing a great job. Some of them come in during the week and can help by folding, stuffing envelopes, simple typing jobs, etc. Some are helping people find their way on a Sunday. Some are behind the scenes and getting thing together inside the auditorium and outside of it.

Everyone one of them that make up this church are a part of the Kingdom of God. The bible is very clear that the greatest is the servant. I am so grateful and privileged to work alongside people who "get it". Thanks to all of them that are making a difference that will not be fully realized until they see heaven. God bless you, and God bless them.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What you find in the fortress

The current series that I have been speaking on has been a revelation to me personally. I trust that God is using it to encourage others in how they approach life. As I look back on 2009 I allowed the stuff and pace of life to surround me. I am learning that with each day, there is a challenge. With each challenge comes the reality of how am I going to solve it. In my strength or in His strength. I choose His.

I am learning to go to the fortress. I am finding some great stuff in the fortress that is God. His family, His Holy Spirit, His healing and renewal. 2010 is off and running and I am very excited about what God will do as we learn to lean on Him.

I heard a great quote, "don't allow mistakes to define, but let them refine you." Awesome quote and a great motto to live by. I find myself in many situations that I am going to use that quote now.

Be a blessing for you are blessed.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It Shakes It Quakes - He doesn't

I heard the news of the earthquake in Haiti this morning. As I watched the news I could see the dismay, the ruin, the pain that the people of that nation are experiencing. It surprised me that I had just prepared the message for this Sunday and plan to talk about when life shakes and quakes. The truth is that the unexpected can happen - it does happen. What do we do with the unexpected, the disappointment, the hurt, the attack. We need to be on on solid ground, the solid ground of Jesus Christ. The old song says..."On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.."

So that reality of the shakiness of life is out there..and very real to many without church body. In particular are people in need of a physical miracle of healing for their body. Let's get into the tower and refuge of God. Please note the following news for what we want to do as a church.

SPECIAL PRAYER this Sunday Jan 17 at 10:15-10:45am. Between services this Sunday we will ask for anyone to join us in a time of corporate intercession. We will also gladly pray for anyone that desires special prayer with the pastors and elders. Scripture tells us that if anyone is in trouble or sick, they should call for the elders of the church to anoint with oil and pray (James 5:13-16). We intend to do just that...Pray for God's provision, intervention, and healing in the lives of many.

God bless - let us be a praying people to see our God do miraculous things.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wow New Year

I honestly cannot believe that it is now a new year. It was just weeks ago that we had a Thanksgiving meal. The Christmas season was filled with activity and that blizzard really threw a wrench into the plans. Nonetheless - it was a nice time of family and friends and focus. Focusing on what is really important and the true meaning behind the celebration of Christmas.

I am very motivated, passionate to say: Let's Celebrate Christ everyday. We don't need decorations or deserts to celebrate CHRISTmas. We honor Christ by how we live. Bring God glory by exhibiting the love and mercy of Christ.

This is not only a new year but a new decade. We pause and take a reflection on the joy it had. We learn from the mistakes we made. We chart a new course. I urge you to make it a course that Christ has designed. I have a feeling that this year is going to move even faster. so let's take a deep breath, check our priorities, work wisely, and go for it.

I love that I can live with the truth that God is my Fortress, My shield, my protector. I am so ready for 2010 and all that I can do, all that the church can do, all that God's family can do for Him. As we freshly say God we need you, then let us with anticipation trust that He will use us to further His cause and Kingdom. Be blessed let focus, focus, focus and the work to be done.
